Panchakarma is the ultimate mind-body healing experience for detoxifying the body, strengthening the immune system, and restoring balance and well-being. It is one of the most effective healing modality in Ayurvedic Medicine. It promotes Detoxification and Rejuvenation. It is recommended on a seasonal basis, as well as when an individual feels out of balance or is experiencing illness.
Panchakarma is a Sanskrit word that means “five actions” or “five treatments”. Simply translated, it’s a set of five systematic actions used for the purification of the body. Panchakarma (five actions) is a cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body, mind and consciousness. It is known for its beneficial effects on overall health, wellness and self-healing.
According to ayurveda, good health depends upon our capability to fully metabolize all aspects of life, assimilating that which nourishes and eliminating the rest. When we can’t completely digest our food, experiences, and emotions, toxins accumulate in our bodily tissues, creating imbalance and – ultimately – disease. Panchakarma is an elegant cleansing process that releases stored toxins and restores the body’s innate healing ability.
- Eliminate toxins and toxic conditions from your body and mind.
- Restore your constitutional balance improving health and wellness.
- Strengthen your immune system and become more resistant to illness.
- Reverse the negative effects of stress on your body and mind thereby slowing the aging process.
- Enhance your self-reliance, strength, energy, vitality and mental clarity.
- Bring about deep relaxation and sense of well-being.
Panchakarma therapy involves five types of advanced treatment for evacuating the vitiated dosha (toxic materials) from the body. Purvakarma which is the pre-purification measure for panchakarma. This is a process where the body is prepared for purification using methods to encourage the release of toxins with two procedures called snehana and swedana.
- Snehana is also called abhyangam and is basically an oil massage. Here oil is massaged to the whole body to move the toxins to the gastro-intestinal tract.
- Swedana is the sweating that is given every day after snehana where a herbal concoction is added to the steam to loosen toxins from the person. With swedana, the toxins are liquefied, an act that facilitates their movement to the gastro-intestinal tract.
Vomiting (Vaman) is intended to the removal of "Kaphadosha". It is not to be adopted for 'Kapha's only but necessarily in case of 'kapha's" conjunction with one or both 'Doshas's. Vaman is essential for in the case of food poisoning or other type of poisoning. Vaman employs certain emetic drugs that induce a severe spell of vomiting to clean the upper gut. Bronchial astma is prevented by periodically inducing 'Vaman'.
Virechana is a purgation therapy that is applied in cases of excess bile. 'Virachan' concentrates on the lower part of the gut and uses purgatives to clean the bowel. This procedure helps get rid of all three Doshas, though Pitta and Kapha benefit the most. To cure piles, boils, discolouration of face, jaundice, chronic fever, spleen enlargement cataract, intenstinal disorders, ailments of the womb, arthritis, haemothermia, constipation, diabetes, skin diseases, tumors, asthma cough, ailments in the head and many other diseases in the Ayurvedic way, purging is essential.
Nasya' (Nasal administration of substances) is essential for more or less all the ailments above the neck. This is effective for many diseases like facial paralysis. 'Nasya' is of three types, purgative, nourishing and palliative. This therapy is exercised while keeping it in mind that the nose is the doorway to the brain and the doorway to consciousness. Here herbal steam is inhaled to clear excess mucus, stimulate the brain, bring clarity and balance to the mind and senses and in the treatment of all disorders found above the clavicle. This treatment is usually advised for those with recurring headaches.